Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of Theodore Levitts Marketing Myopia

In Theodore Levitt’s article â€Å"Marketing Myopia†, he defines that marketing should focus on customer oriented instead of product oriented. He had introduced a famous question, â€Å"What business are you really in?† Many times, people misidentify the industry they are in. For example, Levitt uses the examples of railroad business, Hollywood, oil company, and many other examples to teach us that oriented management can keep a growth industry growing. Although â€Å"product orientation is unquestioned† for many businesses, customer oriented plays an essential role in creating business value such as loyalty to the brand. Therefore, customer oriented considers a main part of marketing that many businesses should focus on in order to create customers. Levitt illustrates the three industries: petroleum, automobiles, and electronics to support his statement that â€Å"there is no such thing as growing industry†, because companies should create to operate new opportunities. Railroad business is a classic example because it considers itself a railroad business instead of a transportation business. Therefore, the railroad business was replaced by the other types of transportation because railroad business did not take the customer preference into consideration, and they thought that railroad will not be replace. Unfortunately, now, railroad business has to plead on government subsidies to operate. Additionally, the oil station has the opportunity to expand into gas industry; however, the oilShow MoreRelatedTheodore Levitt’s contribution to marketing is undoubtedly un-measurable in any quantity,1700 Words   |  7 PagesTheodore Levitt’s contribution to marketing is undoubtedly un-measurable in any quantity, un-des cribable in a matter of words and unfathomable to any one who did not have the chance to meet the legendary scholar. 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